Informally helping with money management is great – but may also cause unexpected problems.
Forbes post, “Why Public Pension Debt and Social Insurance Finances Are Not The Same”
Social insurance as a pay-as-you-go system? Yeah, probably. But public pensions are fundamentally different.
Forbes post, “The Bottom Line: Illinois’ Public Pension Debt Is A Moral Issue”
The same mindset that produces Illinois’ long legacy of corruption produces the passing on of pension debt from one generation to the next. It’s fundamentally a moral issue.
Forbes post, “No, Gov. Pritzker, Illinois Pension Reform Isn’t A Fantasy”
Pritzker calls a constitutional amendment reforming pensions a “fantasy.” Here’s why he’s wrong.
Forbes post, “The Key ‘Social Security Cap’ Question: Where Are Our Priorities?”
Social Security spending simply can’t be discussed in isolation; we need to take into account the whole wishlist of other federal spending as well.
Forbes post, “What Is Intergenerational Solidarity, And Why Does It Matter For The French – And For Us?”
The French don’t make any pretense of having a funded Social Security system — is that better or worse than our “Trust Fund” system?