Social Security

Solvency, expansion proposals, etc.

State and local pubic pensions


Retirement Readiness

Are Americans sufficiently prepared for retirement?

The Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey

[note to self:  find links to the key studies!]

An opposing view:  Andrew Biggs, scholar at AEI, writes that there is no retirement crisis, using data that says that, when you take into account not just pension and Social Security checks but also the spending down of savings, today’s retirees are not any poor than working people, and, at the same time, despite the drop in DB pensions, future retirees should be doing fine because the total amount of money being directed into pension savings (both 401k and employer pensions) is increasing.


Expert groups

The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

The Pension Research Council at the University of Pennsylvania

Lots of data at

A pro-public pensions viewpoint:  NIRS

Useful Twitter accounts to follow




Related Jane the Actuary posts:

Is Social Security Earned?

Is there a Retirement Crisis?” – with links

Some Data on Retirement Savings