Originally published at Forbes.com on March 11, 2018.
Once upon a time, when I first started in the field as a new actuarial student, the older actuaries would regale us with stories of punchcards and mainframe time and filling in the personnel count grids by hand. There were still vestiges of the past, with reference documents copied from the old mainframe e-mail to the “new” Lotus Notes, and input fields in some of the mainframe computer programs were still called “parameter cards” because they replaced literal cards.
Now, twenty-some-odd years later, I could regale new actuaries with stories of my olden days when the large majority of large private employers offered traditional Defined Benefit pension plans. In fact, I had a unique vantage point, working on a project which included collecting benefits information from large American companies, and using a defined methodology to assess how the benefit value differed from one company to another. You might say I had a front-row seat due to my day-to-day work.
Between then and now, I’ve watched the move to cash balance plans, and the closing or freezing of pension plans, and, now, the move to offering “term vesteds” (former employees with vested pension rights) and retirees lump sums in exchange for their pension benefits, and, beginning in 2012, the trend of large employers (GM, Ford, Verizon) purchasing annuities for their retirees to settle their pension liability. Yes, some private sector employers still offer traditional pension plans, and some of these employers have weighed the pros and cons and continue to believe that’s still the right decision for them, but their numbers are small and shrinking.
There are all manner of reasons why these trends have emerged. Pension funding regulations are stricter, mortality tables predict higher life expectancy, employers are more risk-averse, especially when it comes to taking risks outside their core business. Accounting rules have placed more of an emphasis on the “real time” liabilities, making cost increases due to bond rate drops more visible. Plus, 401(k) or cash balance plans provided even steady accrual rather than being backloaded, so they didn’t require employees to stay until retirement to get the full benefit as with a traditional final pay-based formula, and they offered more value than a traditional pension for short-tenure employees. What’s more, employers came to believe that employees didn’t even properly appreciate the value of the pension they provided in the first place, but preferred the immediate visibility of a cash balance or, later, 401(k) account balance, so that the plans were failing in one of their key purposes, employee loyalty and appreciation.
On top of all this, back in what you might call the Golden Age of pensions, large American companies were viewed as forever so, and forever financially healthy. While pensions have been subject to funding rules ever since 1974, they could nonetheless be viewed to some degree as a future expense paid out of future income. But recall that the running joke about General Motors became that it had so many retirees in its pension funds relative to its active employees that it was effectively “a pension plan that makes cars,” which was hardly sustainable; even now, despite its settlement of some pension liabilities with annuity contract purchases, its total pension liability is still almost 90% greater than its market cap.* Yes, there are opposing voices that say that employers eliminated pensions out of their worst, Scroogian impulses, but there are real reasons for this trend.
But at the same time, I know that traditional pensions were a tremendous benefit to those who received them, and there is a real loss to the next generation of retirees. After all, my own father was a full career automotive engineer at one of the Big 3. He started as a foreman after he got out of the army (K-town, Germany, not Vietnam, where he was a second lieutenant travelling the country on the weekends) and retired thirty-some years later with a plaque that hangs in their study, and it gives us great peace of mind that, no matter what happens to their IRAs — whether the market crashes or whether they make poor financial decisions or simply live a long life — Mom and Dad will still be getting that monthly check. My sister works somewhere in the IT department of another automaker, but she’s employed via a contract house rather than directly, and not only does she have a 401(k) instead of a pension plan, but it’s a small one at that.
The bottom line is this: with few exceptions, traditional pensions at private employers are gone, but the very fact that employers acted as annuity-providers in the first place was something out of a different time and place. It’s common for pension advocates to say, “the 401(k) experiment has failed,” but, from another entirely reasonable point of view, the widespread, near-universal (among large companies) employer-provided pension plan — generous in benefit level, fixed, guaranteed, lifelong — was itself an experiment, however long-running, that failed in the face of stronger funding demands, low interest rates and risk tolerances, increased life expectancy, and changes in American business in general. We can mourn its demise, but we can’t go back.
And what happens next — whether the 401(k) is the long-term path going forward or an interim step, and who’s right and who’s wrong in the regular reports on retirement readiness, and what the right fixes are in any case — remains to be seen.
Do I have the answer? No, not really; I don’t even think there is one single policy change that constitutes The Answer. I have some ideas that I tinker with; there are other proposals that merit discussion. But the answer isn’t to look back to the past, but to look forward.
And, yes, I know, an elegy ought to be in the form of a poem. Sorry ’bout that.
* Pension liabilities per the 2016 annual report: $99 billion. Market capitalization as of March 9, 2018, $53 billion.
December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.