Originally published at Forbes.com on December 10, 2018.   Yes, these plans have been bailed out so this isn’t as “newsworthy” but mismanagement and poor government regulation is still a “tale as old as time.”


Sorry, I couldn’t resist the headline.

Because, in fact, as it happens, in addition to the deeply troubled Central States Pension Fund that I profiled last week, there is another “Central States” — the Midwest Pension Plan sponsored by the Central States Joint Board.

It’s also based in Chicago.

It’s also a union-sponsored multi-employer pension plan.

It’s also got a history of mob involvement, and several leading figures were convicted of fraud, this time around, not nearly as far in the past as with the Teamsters.

But it’s fully funded.  And as I continue my deep dive into multiemployer plans, I concluded that looking at the reasons why this plan is doing reasonably might be instructive for evaluating the future of multiemployer plans.

The “big” Central States pension plan (385,000 participants, $41 billion liability) is a plan for members of the Teamsters union locals in, as its full name implies, the Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas.  The “little” Central States plan/the Central States Joint Board/Midwest Pension Plan (13,000 participants, $122 million liability) covers workers in “general manufacturing and related industries.”

The “big” Central States plan is 38% funded.  The Joint Board plan is 108% funded.  Here’s how the funding levels of those two plans have developed over time, based on government reporting data (the gap for the Teamsters is due to missing information in this online data; neither plan has data for 2008 and all downloadable data begins in 1999):

own work

Both plans have seen drops in the percent of plan participants who are actively working and on whose behalf employers are contributing (same data source):

Active employees as a percent of total plan participants

own work

As I discussed in the prior article, Central States (Teamsters)’s efforts to improve its funding status were significantly hampered by the departure of the UPS employees in 2007.  This drop-off is plain to see here.  Currently, only 16% of their plan participants are active employees.  Central States Joint Board also saw significant drops in the percent of active employees in the mid-2000s but the available data doesn’t explain the cause.

Finally, here’s a graph of the plans’ funding interest rates from 1999 – 2017 (same data source):

Funding Interest Rates

own work

And here’s where we can start to put this all together into a narrative, with an ironic little twist.

The mob connection I mentioned at the start of this article is described in a pair of Chicago Tribune articles.  From 1999, “Port Chief Indicted in Illegal Loan Deals“:

A longtime powerful labor leader who is chairman of the Illinois International Port District was indicted Wednesday, along with an associate, on charges that they received large, unsecured loans and other favorable treatment from a Northwest Side bank in return for depositing union funds there.

John Serpico, ousted four years ago from his position with the Laborers International Union as part of a move to purge the union of mob influence, was charged with using his authority over millions of dollars in pension funds managed by Capitol Bank and Trust to secure the loans.

The 11-count indictment against Serpico of Lincolnwood, once the highest-paid union official in the country and Maria Busillo of Glenview, described in the indictment as Serpico’s “business and personal associate,” alleges that the two received at least $5 million in personal and business loans, principally from Capitol, on terms that were far more favorable than those offered to other customers. . . .

Serpico, 68, and Busillo, 53, are both officials of the Central States Joint Board, an umbrella organization of labor unions whose locals represent some 20,000 members.

Serpico is a past president and currently a consultant to Central States. Busillo is its president.

According to prosecutors, Serpico and Busillo were able to obtain favorable treatment because Central States kept more than $3 million in deposits at the bank, which also managed $16 million in union pension assets. . . .

Serpico, a onetime city truck driver, is infamous in labor circles.

In testimony before the President’s Commission on Organized Crime in 1985, Serpico acknowledged that he was a friend of virtually every important organized crime leader in Chicago. But he also once said that those friendships were the result of the fact that they all grew up in the same neighborhood and that he had never engaged in any criminal activities.

Two years later, in 2001, the Tribune reported that Serpico and Busillo were both convicted of fraud.

But unlike the Central States/Teamsters mob connections which (as I described last week) resulted in such a corrupt management of their funds that the union was stripped of its ability to control those funds in 1982, the Central States Joint Board seems to have suffered no ill effects and may even have seen unexpected benefits: because pension funds were (partially) kept at the bank ($16 out of $93 million), its assumed asset return was 6% per year in 1999 and for six years thereafter, considerably lower than the average rate used that year, 7.2% (or, at median, 7%).

Why does this matter?

As I discussed in my first article on the topic, the late 1990s/early 2000s was a time when many multi-employer plans were doing well in their funding levels, and, in fact, because multi-employer plans were not permitted to fund in excess of the “full funding limitation” but their contributions were fixed by collective bargaining agreements, they often resorted to benefit increases to keep their plan liabilities above the asset levels.  These unsustainable benefit increases are at least in part the cause of the pain many plans are now experiencing.  Since multiemployer valuation interest rates are set based on expected asset returns, investing more conservatively raises plan liabilities and makes plan amendments less necessary.

However, even so, the plan was very close to 100% funded and, in fact, the government reporting indicates that in those first few years of available data, the plan did increase benefits, although by moderate amounts.  A review of the Summary Plan Description posted at the Joint Board’s website also shows that the plan’s benefit formula had moderate changes over time as well as a freeze from 2010 – 2012.  An actuary familiar with similar plans tells me that, in order to avoid permanent and substantial increases to liabilities, prudent plans would have managed their liability through small steps such as issuing one-time bonus checks to retirees.

In addition, the interest rate stayed at 6% until 2005, then climbed to 7% and subsequently 7.5% in 2011, where it remains today.  The jump from 6% to 7% in 2006 remedied a funding ratio which had begun to drop and stood at 84% in 2005; the boost to 7% immediately increased the plan’s funding to 99% and, along with the later increase, has kept the plan at an overfunded position from then on (and, again, recall that in 2006, the restrictions on over-funding plans were essentially removed).

In contrast, Central States/Teamsters’s rate stood two percentage points higher until 2006 when they lowered their rate by half a point and the Joint Board increased theirs.  Then, in 2015, their interest rate dropped dramatically, down to 6.25% in 2016 and 5.5% in 2017, which is at least in part responsible for the decrease in funded ratio from 48% in 2015 down to 42% and then 38% in 2017.  Why would they decrease their valuation interest rate, knowing that it’ll increase liabilities so significantly? Here’s the explanation in the GAO report that evaluated the plan’s asset management:

[An] investment policy change precipitated by CSPF’s deteriorating financial condition will continue to move plan assets into fixed income investments ahead of projected insolvency, or the date when CSPF is expected to have insufficient assets to pay promised benefits when due. As a result, assets will be gradually transitioned from “return-seeking assets”—such as equities and emerging markets debt—to high-quality investment grade debt and U.S. Treasury securities with intermediate and short-term maturities. The plan is projected to become insolvent on January 1, 2025. CSPF officials and named fiduciary representatives said these changes are intended to reduce the plan’s exposure to market risk and volatility, and provide participants greater certainty prior to projected insolvency.

In other words, the investment change was implemented to protect plan participants, and merely had the effect of producing a seemingly-worse funded status.  However, the calculation of plan insolvency in 2025 is based on projected assets and cash flow, so that the use of one valuation interest rate or another doesn’t affect this determination.

It’s enough to make your head spin.

I’ve previously lamented the fact that, unlike private sector plans and contrary to general accounting practice, public pensions measure their funded status based on expected-return valuation interest rates.  However, multi-employer plans are an exception to this general statement.  How this impacts these plans and their long-term viability is the subject for a future article but, in the meantime, this brief exercise in “compare and contrast” is a further illustration that the troubles some multi-employer plans face, and the relative health of others, can’t simply be explained away as mismanagement by plan officials.



December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

5 thoughts on “Forbes post, “Actually, Central States’ Pension Plan Is Fully Funded”

  1. Why is it ok for the banks to get bailouts but regular working class people that gave back 15 percent of there wages to secure there pensions when there older don’t get the same treatment. Why do politicians get pensions when the country is 21 trillion in the hole, central states pension still has 15 billion in assets and they are asking for us to take cuts. If we could get rid of the carried interest loophole that the ultra wealthy uses to not pay there fair share of taxes we could use that money to fund our pensions. Wake up America pass the Butch Lewis act.

    1. Dave… you hit the nail on the head! It is not only the Central States…PA. and Ohio Teamsters have been put on notice just 2 months ago. Pensions will be reduced by 30%. People will lose their homes & the Senior Citizens that worked hard for 30 yrs. to secure their vested pensions will have the rug pulled out from beneath them. All I know is….any one running for office better know that if this Act isn’t passed before Aug.they better not count on getting elected in PA or OH! The Democrats say they are for the working class but so do the Republicans…well lets see which one gets the ball rolling…. that’s who will get the blue collar vote.

  2. I am starting a project that collects all of the union office workers in the U.S. who are in Central States and have a future of diminished benefits. My Local 391 Teamsters, pays $1,000,000 ( That is Million with a WTF?) a year for the 13 employees who will see very little in a defined pension in the years ahead. The irony is: The Union is the employer. The members are the financiers. And the Union leaders are powerless to make remedy. And the poor women in our office are too afraid to start yelling about their fate!
    Shakespeare , anyone?

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