Originally published at Forbes.com on January 20, 2020.


What do the jobs of the future look like? And what are the prospects for older adults who may be seeking those jobs in the future?

That’s a question raised by a recent book, On the Clock: What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane, by Emily Guendelsberger (2019). Well, strictly speaking, she doesn’t have any particular interest in the work opportunities for older adults but it’s relevant anyway.

Her primary contention is that American corporations have taken the Taylorism and the speed-ups of the past and applied to the point of making low-wage jobs simply inhumane, meant to chew up workers and spit them out, secure in the knowledge that there will always be an inexhaustible supply of willing workers. Her America is a dystopia for the “other half” who live in torment to ensure that we receive our mail-ordered goods quickly, for example. And the misery of these jobs clearly make them unsuited for older adults looking to supplement a retirement income, let alone those seeking to reduce the arduousness or stress level of their prior occupations.

But the bulk of her book is a memoir-ish recounting of three stints in low-wage work, as a young journalist between jobs and without family obligations. In December 2015 she worked as a seasonal employee, a “picker,” for Amazon in southern Indiana, just across the state line from Louisville, Kentucky. In summer 2016 she worked in western North Carolina at a Convergys call center. And in September and October of 2017 she worked at a McDonald’s in San Francisco. She prefaces her book with her first experiences working in food service, scooping ice cream as a teen, when she learned the expression “in the weeds” (as used in the blue collar world, stuck in a rush and frantically trying to get through it) and the Ray Kroc favorite, if you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean, by which managers everywhere call for their underlings, when the register gets quiet, to be otherwise productive when they feel they’ve earned some relaxation after a busy period.

The problem, Guendelsberger says, is that low-wage workers are now always “in the weeds,” and never have “time to lean,” as corporate management designs these jobs for a frentic pace.

In her experience at Amazon, she works 12 hour shifts five days a week, and is exhausted and sore, popping Advil day after day. She describes struggling to keep up with the scanner that, one item at a time, sends her off to collect goods through a cavernous warehouse, with no opportunity to chat with co-workers except for lunch and breaks (that’s Time Off Task, too much of which gets a talking-to). No phones or other personal items are permitted, but she eventually sneaks in audiobooks to listen to; she also sings when in the more isolated parts of the warehouse. What’s more, the job sucks up more time of her day than he scheduled shift because she must arrive early to avoid the risk of being late and accruing a “point,” too many of which result in automatic termination, and there’s a rush of workers arriving in the parking lot and the building at shift-change; besides which, she is a smoker and the walk outside to the smoking area consumes her scheduled breaks.

As described by Guendelsberger, this is hardly a job an older adult can do. But at the same time, the co-workers she ultimately meets for drinks after-hours don’t think it’s all that bad; it pays better than any other job these women might be able to get, they’ve grown accustomed to the pace, they are less worried about the consequences of occasional chit-chat or bathroom breaks. One woman pushes herself to be the “power hour” winner, “picking” the most items for the reward of a small vending-machine credit, and the satisfaction of meeting a challenge.

And she mentions, as an incidental comment, that the more recently-built Amazon warehouses/fulfilment centers (it is a pet peeve of Guendelsberger’s that Amazon uses the latter term) operate differently, and, in fact, a little digging finds reporting from 2017 about new warehouse systems in which Kiva robots bring the products to the “pickers,” who no longer have to walk but must still be able to stand for the entire workday. (Is the standing truly necessary or is it just a norm? Could a worker sit on a stool for part of their workday?)

At Convegys, the pace is just as frentic, even if more stressful than physically arduous. Workers receive several weeks of training, then are sent out into the cubicles, with trainers floating to provide assistance for difficult cases — which, at the beginning, means “all of them,” since, Guendelsberger reports, she must log into, and feed data into/pull data from, six different computer systems to solve the customers’ problems and simultaneously upsell them to new products and services. Her calls are monitored, her Time Off Task is monitored, she’s told she may never place a customer on hold without their consent, even if they’re a “screamer.” She doesn’t quite know how smart the monitoring software is or how much she’s at risk of being scolded for failing to try to sell a DirecTV system to a cellphone customer who’s calling to try to get some leniency for an unpaid bill, so she’s particularly anxious about this.

And, again, just as at the Amazon warehouse, the workers have a different different perspective, because the local economy is struggling enough (in this case due to the collapse of the local furniture industry as Americans turned to imports) that these jobs are appealing. Her trainer’s pitch is that pay starts at $10.50 per hour but people who meet sales and other goals can get the equivalent of $15 – $16 per hour, and, in fact, she notices that some of the women are falling in to the rhythm of it and making those sales.

How stressful is the job, for her co-workers, those, at least, who make it past Guendelsberger’s five weeks, who become more comfortable with the “launch sequence” and who can tune out the screamers and who can upsell successfully? Could a company like Convergys lower its training costs and increase its productivity and its profits by reducing stress levels, reprogramming its systems for easier use, easing up on the constant supervision? (Guendelsburger describes an incident related to her of a woman who was followed into the bathroom by the manager to verify that she wasn’t faking her digestive distress, and also says that panic attacks were fairly routine.) Or does call-center work, despite its seeming unskilled nature (requiring only a high school diploma), actually require real skills and aptitudes which can only be identified by hiring a large pool of candidates and seeing who succeeds, like a stereotypical “weeder” college course? We don’t learn this from the book.

Her third job was at McDonald’s, but not just any McDonald’s. The McDonald’s in San Francisco she characterizes as “one of the best entry-level McJobs in the country” due to city ordinances that dictated a $14 per hour pay rate, paid sick leave, and mandated scheduling predictability. Yet she describes something that’s far from “the best” — scheduling so tight that there’s a constant rush, a never-ending line, which she attributes to the desire to push workers to their limit to get as much profit as possible. (It doesn’t help that the various ways in which a typical suburban McDonald’s shifts work onto customers — filling drinks, getting napkins, straws, and ketchup — aren’t possible at a McDonald’s surrounded by the homeless, and that this was probably just a bit too soon for the self-ordering kiosks to have been implemented.)

And this is where she loses me: a never-ending line in a tourist locale means lost customers, who go elsewhere. It doesn’t make sense. And anyone who’s been to a fast food restaurant during off-peak hours, in off-peak neighborhoods, knows the never-ending line is not the norm, though, yes, when the register is quiet, workers will be assigned to other tasks, expected to clear tables, clean, refill ketchup dispensers, etc. At our local Culver’s, one of the regular employees is a woman well past retirement age, who doesn’t seem frazzled or distressed. It seems reasonable that the never-ending chaos of her San Francisco McDonald’s is the result of the high minimum wage, and the indispensability of high-effort work for that wage to be able to run the store at a profit.

So what does this all add up to?

To a large degree we don’t know. How much more will these jobs be automated in the future? How much of the physical work will be eliminated? But her book points to a bigger question raised by the push to boost the nationwide minimum wage to $15 or even higher: there is a trade-off involved in minimum wage boosts, and an individual worker has no control over this. Would a worker who would accept something less than the so-called “living wage” in order to supplement retirement income, and in order to work in a less demanding fashion, at a slower pace, have a place in an economy with only high-wage, high-effort jobs?


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

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