One thought on “Forbes post, “Forget Pension Obligation Bonds. Two Cities Are – No Joke – Leasing Their Streets To Fund Pensions.”

  1. Not for publication, unless you feel like it.

    Read the article on “leasing streets” on the Forbes blog, it’s of particular interest to me since I lived in Chicago and watched the “leased parking meter revenue” debacle unfold. Now leasing the streets simply because it’s a way around the requirement that bonds to pay off pensions must be voter approved, whereas this gimmick doesn’t. Kicking the can down the road again, that’s all.

    But mostly I wanted to mention that at the end of the article you say “Follow me on Twitter” which I happily would, except there are 8 people with your name, and you don’t give the Twitter address, so… Twitter lottery and hope I get the right one? Use the address from now on, would’ja?

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