Originally published at Forbes.com on September 20, 2021.


Among the changes coming if the Democrats succeed in their $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill would be the inclusion of dental, vision, and hearing coverage through Medicare, possibly in 3 – 5 years due to implementation challenges, and with suggestions of a voucher/cash payout in the meantime. There is not yet an official cost estimate as the details are still being negotiated, but a similar proposal in 2019 would have cost $358 billion over 10 years.

At the same time, late last month, the latest Trustees’ Report for Medicare determined that the Medicare Part A Trust Fund will be exhausted in the year 2026, which, if you do the math, is a mere five years from now. At that point, Medicare would have to cut reimbursement rates for doctors by 9%, increasing to 20% in 2045, or even more if the report’s assumptions don’t pan out.

How will the new dental benefits — assuming they remain in the bill — affect Medicare Part A and its trust fund? Strictly speaking, not at all. The new benefits would be a part of Part B of the program, that is, doctors’ charges, rather than Part A, which covers hospital charges. In one respect, it would be its own benefit structure entirely, since, unlike “regular Part B” Medicare, the proposal would have the federal government pay 100% of the benefit’s costs, rather than requiring participants to pay a 25% cost-share premium. It would, in a way, become Medicare Part E.

All of which means I am increasingly convinced of my prediction from back in June: the future shortfalls in revenue for Part A benefits will not be dealt with by increasing dedicated Part A funding sources, or by changing reimbursement rates, but simply by allocating general tax revenues to pay for these benefits. It simply makes no sense to imagine that Congress and the administration, while in the middle of implementing a brand-new benefit funded wholly through general revenues, would feel any need to solve the wholly-artificial problem of an evaporating Medicare Part A trust fund.

Again, you heard it here first: the Medicare Part A trust fund is a red herring. It is irrelevant. And I suspect that the policy experts really know this. In fact, immediately after the Trustees’ Reports were issued, I listened to a webcast by experts on the subject, and I asked this very question: in a world in which Part A of Medicare is only one part of a bigger picture with Parts B and D being funded through general revenues and through premiums, how relevant is the Trust Fund, anyway? And the experts’ answer was simply this (paraphrased, of course): “the value of the Trust Fund is that it captures the public’s attention in a way that isn’t possible simply by saying that overall government spending on Social Security and Medicare is increasing unsustainably.”

And they might be right. Our national debt rises year after year, and those warning against its long-term risks are Cassandras, ignored while alternatingly Republicans promise their base that tax cuts will pay for themselves with economic growth and Democrats promise their base that social welfare government spending increases are “investments” which will pay for themselves. Worse, according to the Committee for Responsible Federal Budget, the current Reconciliation spending proposal “fit[s] $5 trillion to $5.5 trillion worth of spending and tax breaks into a $3.5 trillion budget,” through gimmicks such as legislating an extension of the child tax credit only through 2025 but with tax-increase pay-fors stretching over 10 years, and with the expectation that Congress will be compelled to make the credit permanent with some other funding source in the future, as well as delaying the implementation of other benefits to later in the 10 year period to declare the “10 year cost” to be low. Add in the pundits proclaiming that low interest rates mean we can borrow as much as we want, and it is certainly a heck of a lot easier to get Americans’ attention with reporting that “the Trust Fund will run out of money!” than “our debt level is growing year after year and the economic consequences could be devastating, though we don’t know exactly what will happen or when.”

It’s nothing new for politicians to promise their constituents free lunches, but it is new territory to do so for Medicare, which individuals have tended to believe they have “earned” (just as with Social Security) through the payment of their FICA tax and by paying the Part B and D premiums (though that only covers 75% of the cost). It’s hard to underscore how significant a change it is to create a new Medicare benefit which wholly untethers Medicare from even this partial degree to which Americans earn their benefits, let alone doing so in the context of a bill with “tax (only) the rich” funding and massive deficit spending that further reinforce the message, “this is free money” and would destroy the very notion of social insurance as “we’re all in this together.”

As Americans, we have benefitted tremendously from the dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, from low interest rates, and from other circumstances which have insulated us thus far from direct effects of persistent deficit spending. But imagining that will last forever means the eventual fall will be all that much harder.

December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

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