Originally published at Forbes.com on July 26, 2018.


Earlier this week, Marketwatch featured a retirement quiz, “Are you as clueless as the rest of America when it comes to your retirement?” with six questions and the shock claim that only 2% of Americans passed the quiz (that is, got at least four of six correct).  I looked at the quiz and wasn’t much impressed with it (more comments on it at the end of this article), and thought to myself, “self, you could do better.”  So here, with a focus on Social Security, are six key things to understand.

Social Security’s average benefit is just that, an average.

How much can you count on from Social Security?  It’s common to read that Social Security will replace about 40% of your pay, on average (e.g., here, in a February Forbes article) but it’s important to understand that, due to Social Security’s progressive benefit formula, the more you earn, the lower the percent that Social Security benefit checks cover.

According to the OECD’s Pensions at a Glance calculations, an individual earning half the average wage will see a net-of-tax replacement percentage of 60%; the average earner, 49%, and twice the average, 37%.  (The figures not adjusting for tax are 48%, 38%, and 27%.)  These are substantial differences and should be taken into account in retirement planning.

Your benefit level if you wait until age 70 to start, is 75% greater than if you begin at age 62.

Yes, we’re accustomed to thinking in terms of “full retirement age” and that’s the basis on which those OECD values are calculated.  But it’s much better, in terms of understanding the system, to simply think of Social Security as offering the maximum benefit level at age 70, and a substantially reduced benefit level at age 62.  This is true for everyone, regardless of their official “full retirement age.”  And because Social Security offers a guaranteed income, with an annual COLA adjustment, this is a really great deal, and retirees should consider spending down at least a part of their savings, to delay the age at which they claim Social Security, rather than trying to spend their savings evenly throughout their retirement.  (See my April article on the topic.)

Yes, the increase in retirement age really is a benefit cut.  Suck it up.

See my prior point:  the age at which one can begin to take Social Security didn’t change.  The age at which additional benefits for delaying claiming cease, is also unchanged.  What’s changed is that, at any given benefit commencement age, the benefit formula is lower for us young ‘uns (I know, I hardly ought to claim that label these days) than our parents. Which means it’s a benefit cut.

But what are you going to do about it?  Nothing much, really.  It was an unavoidable benefit cut, and we’ll likely see more such cuts in the future.

You can plan on working until 70, 75, or even later, but your body, family circumstances, and the job market may not cooperate.

It is true that the average retirement age is increasing.  But recent research has concluded that it is the better-educated who are retiring later than in the past, in part because less educated workers tend to be in poorer health and to work at physically demanding jobs.  In fact, a recent study by Prudential showed that half of retirees retired earlier than they had previously planned to do so, and for three-fourths of them, this was involuntary, due to job loss, ill health, or other reasons.  So it’s great to plan to work until late in life, and evidence is growing that it actually may help individuals stay in good health, physically and mentally, but you’ll need a Plan B.  And, likewise, it’s great, as a matter of public policy, to want Americans to stay in the labor force longer, but for the working class especially, policymakers will also need a Plan B.

The Trust Fund?  It doesn’t matter.

Yes, I’m going to get back on my soapbox about this.

At some point in the future, the Social Security Trust Fund will likely be exhausted.  According to current law, benefits will have to be cut by about 25%.  Not good.  But the cynic in me says that there’s a good chance that Congress will just pass legislation allowing general revenues to pay Social Security benefits that can’t be paid for from the FICA taxes.

No harm, no foul?  Eh, not so much.  Quite apart from the Trust Fund exhaustion is the question of how our economy can handle the need to spend ever-more money on the needs of the elderly, through Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid long-term care, and so on.  And that’s much more difficult to solve than simply passing new funding legislation.

We are not locked into our 80-some-year-old benefit formula.

This is my final pet peeve, and in fact was the topic of my first published article on retirement.  Many, many other countries have tweaked their formula or even wholly re-written it, and there’s no reason we can’t do the same.  The United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Italy have wholly redesigned their systems.  Switzerland, South Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, and others have instituted “Second Pillar” systems.  Other countries have raised the retirement age, or even instituted a formula in which the retirement age automatically increases as life expectancy does.  And in the meantime, the experts insist that the only changes we can make are tweaks around the edges.

Finally, here’s the original quiz:

  • What is the full retirement age for young workers?  (Answer:  67)
  • What does IRA stand for?  (Answer:  Individual Retirement Account, but knowing the name isn’t especially relevant.)
  • If your full retirement age is 66 and you draw SS benefits early at age 62, by how much is your benefit reduced?  (The answer is 25%.  The choices were in increments of 3 percentage points to make it harder, but the principle is more important to know than the exact number.)
  • These states can tax SS benefits: Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah and…  (This is the sort of list that seems designed just to elicit dramatic “failure” rates for the quiz.)
  • A Roth IRA allows tax-free withdrawals in retirement.  (true/false)  (Yes, it’s important to know how the two types of IRAs work — but if your employer offers a 401(k) you’re better off with that anyway.  And, incidentally, the “Roth” in “Roth IRA” doesn’t abbreviate anything but was the name of the senator who sponsored it.)
  • Which of the following is NOT covered by Medicare?  (Answer, dental & hearing aids.  More importantly, nursing homes aren’t covered except for short-term rehab stays; perhaps that wasn’t included in the quiz because people generally know that after all.)


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

One thought on “Forbes Post, “Six Things Every American Should Know About Social Security And Retirement”

  1. Hearing aids should be covered because as you get older, your senses diminish. Also, what Social Security gives a month, seniors are striving to live off of it, so how are they to pay for hearing aids?

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