Originally published at Forbes.com on Febraury 26, 2019.


If this were a clickbait article, I’d have titled it “three easy steps” or “one weird trick” or the like.

But the fact of the matter is that as much as I’ll break down the necessary solutions into three steps, they are not easy.  They are, in fact, difficult, and will require real sacrifice and the expenditure of political capital rather than platitudes, because, however much Gov. Pritzker might wish otherwise, there are no “weird tricks” (asset transfers, re-amortizations, pension bonds) to escape the problem.

But here’s a reminder of the seriousness of the problem, even if Pritzker and his allies think it can be dealt with by accounting games:  an article yesterday from The Bond Buyer, “Why Illinois budget proposal raises new rating concerns.”

 Illinois has faced deeper deficits and its bill backlog has been cut in half from its high of $15.7 billion in November 2017, but it no longer has room for any missteps that could lead to a downgrade.

 Moody’s Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings have the state at the lowest investment grade rating; both assign a stable outlook. Fitch Ratings has Illinois two notches above junk and assigns a negative outlook.

The MMA report warns that the risks associated with the uncertainties over the valuation of asset transfers and the arbitrage gamble on POBs are ideas that “can become gimmicks that pose credit negatives potent enough — scaled to management’s desperation to shape its spreadsheets — to smother the plan’s benefits to the state’s credit profile.”

The article further highlights the ways in which the governor’s proposed can-kicking actions risk bringing the state’s bond ratings down below investment grade.  However much Pritzker, Hynes, etc., might wish it to be otherwise, however much they appear to see funding requirements as nothing more than a nuisance, they should trust that the experts in the matter, who say that it matters vitally, are right.

That being said, here are the three steps.  Not “easy steps.”  Difficult steps.

Step 1:  Provide a benefit to new employees which is both fair, financially-sustainable, and fully funded from Day One.

What does this mean?

To begin with, Illinois is one of 15 states whose teachers do not participate in Social Security.  Neither do state university employees.  (A majority, but not all, of the state employees do participate.)   This needs to change.  However much Social Security has its own issues, all public employees should participate in its basic safety net programs just as the rest of us do.

Next, the retirement benefit provided by the state should be

  • Fixed and defined at the time of accrual;
  • Obligatorily-contributed at that point with consequences as severe as skipping a paycheck;
  • Accrued in an even way over the course of the employee’s career rather than backloaded (see “Pension Plan 101: What Is Backloading And Why Does It Matter?“); and
  • Vested within a timeframe that’s short enough not to impair the ability of job-changers to accumulate retirement income.

Yes, a defined contribution, 401(k)-equivalent plan meets all these requirements.  But that’s not the only option.  Wisconsin’s public retirement system (subject of a forthcoming article) includes risk-sharing mechanisms that accomplish some of these objectives while still pooling risk among participants.  Other proposals exist, as well as a proposed modernized multi-employer plan design (also a now-draft article), with the intention of removing risk from plan sponsors and ensuring that they make the required contributions, when required, while creating risk-sharing and risk-smoothing among participants.

It may also be the case that Tier II employees, hired in 2011 or later, especially teachers who in the current system are actually subsidizing everyone else, want in on the new system, and this can be sorted out as well, not least because over time the decline in the real value of their pensionable pay cap will affect more and more participants.

Step 2:  Reform benefit provisions for existing participants to reduce liabilities in a fair and responsible manner.

This does not mean across the board cuts.  There are a menu of possible options available, which preserve the dollar value of participants’ benefits.

At present, all participants, except those hired in 2011 or later, are guaranteed 3% annual benefit adjustments on their entire retirement income, regardless of the year’s actual inflation.  It should go without saying that the very first benefit reform is to replace the fixed 3% with a true CPI adjustment with a maximum of 3%.  A benefit reform could also include COLA holidays for those employees who have benefitted from the above-inflation increases of the past, to reset their benefits over time, in inflation-adjusted terms, to something resembling what they’d have, absent this generous provision.

In addition, when Rhode Island reformed its pension, they created a cap, so that only the first $25,000 in pension income is COLA-adjusted each year.  Such a cap — which might reasonably be set at the level of a typical Social Security benefit, to mirror private sector employees’ retirement income — would provide protection for retirees at a more sustainable cost for the state.

Here’s another potential benefit reform:  eliminate the generous early-retirement eligibilities and move everyone onto the same retirement schedule as the Tier II employees.  Yes, this will require a commitment by the state to reassign to desk jobs and make appropriate accommodations for arduous-occupation employees who would have simply retired at young ages in the past, but it’s a reform that will eliminate the tremendous disparities between these employees and, well, everyone else.

And finally, the core benefit formula itself is considerably richer than a typical private sector plan ever was, even taking Social Security benefits into account.  If the above changes are insufficient to play their part in shoring up the system, then the core benefit formula might need to be reduced, in a manner that protects accrued benefits; for example, the formula might be the greater of 1.8% per year of service with final pay, or 2.2% per year of service with pay as of the date of the enactment of the reform.

As it happens, there has been a bill filed by Rep. Deanne Mazzochi of Westmont, which proposes to amend the state constitution to enable just these sorts of reforms, with a provision that, per the bill synopsis,

limits the benefits that are not subject to diminishment or impairment to accrued and payable benefits [and p]rovides that nothing in the provision shall be construed to limit the power of the General Assembly to make changes to future benefit accruals or benefits not yet payable, including for existing members of any public pension or public retirement system.

(What specific changes Rep. Mazzochi has in mind I can’t say; these are only my personal recommendations.)

Is Gov. Pritzker championing this proposal?  No, of course not.  But he should.

Step 3:  Deal with legacy debt.

Step one moves future employees into a new system.  Step two moves current benefits from the current overpromised, overgenerous levels to a more sustainable structure.  These two moves eliminate the “pay-as-you-go” mindset which appears to have taken hold, and make it clear that what’s left is legacy debt, and should be treated no differently than any other debt.  That debt will need to be paid off/prefunded over time, in a way that’s fair to future generations without causing undue harm to taxpayers right now.

Will the state raise taxes?  If yes, then the state should choose equitable and transparent methods of doing so, rather than a hidden tax of, for example, selling (long-term leasing) the tollway and authorizing exorbitant tolls.

Will the state issue bonds?  If yes, then those bonds should be used to purchase annuities for retirees in a manner similar to private-sector plan sponsors, rather than promising that the bonds will pay for themselves through investment returns.

In no event should the state simply plan to defer pension funding to some future time of imagined greater wealth, by claiming that money spent now on infrastructure or business-development programs are “investments” which will pay dividends.  Illinois is losing, not gaining population, and it’s wrong for politicians to shrug this off, claim their policy solutions will bring a brighter (and more populous) future, and risk saddling an even-smaller population with larger per-capita debt.

So there it is:  three steps.  Three very difficult but necessary steps.



December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

4 thoughts on “Forbes post, “Three Steps To Fixing Illinois’ Pension Crisis”

  1. I don’t see an incentive for Pritzker or any of the Il legistators to do anything regarding the deficit. While your ideas seem like they could be very effective, they will harm the voting base of the the democrats. You see in Il, the public sector unions get great retirement benefits and salaries and in return, they continually re-elect those who will continue to give them those benefits. Doing the right thing in Il govt regarding fiscal responsibility means potentially not getting re-elected. Elected officials have known for years that it could all come crashing down but it would be in the future, when they’re long gone ie: retired, moved, both or dead but they still get their pensions so what do they care? The same goes with our current legislators, no matter how bad things get in Illinois, Mike Madigan and the rest of them still get their guaranteed pensions and will likely move when the sh*t hits the fan. Illinois is f**ked – sadly, the only reasonable thing to do is move.

  2. “At present, all participants, except those hired in 2011 or later, are guaranteed 3% annual benefit adjustments on their entire retirement income, regardless of the year’s actual inflation. It should go without saying that the very first benefit reform is to replace the fixed 3% with a true CPI adjustment with a maximum of 3%.”
    WRONG. My wife retired from the University of Illinois as a Civil Servant for 30 years. The SURS Retirement contribution consists of 6.5% for Normal Retirement Benefit, 0.5% for Automatic Annual Increase, 1% for Survivors Benefit for a total 8% taken out of each and every check for 30 years. The state never fulfilled their end of the contract. A real actuarial would know the difference between a Cost of Living adjustment and a paid up front Automatic Annual Increase. As she always says.8% is a lot when you are making $2.35 /hour when she started on campus.
    Thank you for listening
    Jose Pheltez

    1. What does the contribution have to do with the COLA? The 3% compounded COLA is unsustainable and flat-out ridiculous. Her is point is very well made.

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